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STudio Buttons - Enameled in Copper

2186 - PeacockCopper works differently in the kiln from silver and thus different techniques are usually created with it. For example, if an opaque base is used, there is no need to use silver as it will not show. And the first layer of a copper enamel, using transparents, is very important because there are oxides in the copper, that if not removed, will cause a tomato-red colorization and thus the result is not the clear color desired. Silver enameled button can be seen here.

Some of these buttons are Limited Editions. If listed on this page, but all shown are purchased, you can request another, at the same price.

Click on any button to see a larger view.

Table of Contents

The buttons on this page are arraned by technique as reflected by this TOC. If an edition button uses more than one technique, it will be listed twice. All one of a kind buttons are shown in the "General" section of each technique.


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This technique is enameling in a depression which can be made in a number of ways. These buttons have their depressions made by etching.



Champleve - Limited Edition of 10 - Asian Bloom - #2451

Champleve on copper with focal asian flower design, using unleaded vitreous opaque enamels with green luster on top. Dim: 1.5". Price: $90

Asian Flower



Basse Taille

This technique is a texturing of the metal underneath transparent enamel.


Basse Taille enameled copper shape made with a hydraulic press, with unleaded transparent enamel, gold Paillons and a Pierrerie. large $40

Basse Taille enameled abstract flower using black underglaze and unleaded enamel with silver luster on top, set in a sterling silver mounting that was roll printed with a flower/fern design. large $95


paisley button

Base Taille enameled shaped paisley formed on a hydraulic press, using unleaded vitreous enamels, cermaic decorative pencils, flower wafers, mica pens and plain and twisted fine silver wire. Large $60

enameled button with pierreries

Basse Tailled enameled copper with one central pierreries and scroll type paillons around it. Small $45


repousse basse taille button

Basse Taille enameled on Repoussed design on copper, using unleaded vitreous enamels and glass ball OMEs. Large $50

Basse Taille enameled button

Basse Taille and firescale enameled round cornered triangular copper using unleaded land leaded vitreous enamels with 24K gold foil and fine silver balls. Form was artist designed/made using corregated metal with a wire on a hydralic press. Size: Large Price: $45

2173 - Art Deco

Etched on copper Art Deco design with black underglaze, golden clear vitreous unleaded enamel background and gold overglaze on top. Dim: Medium
Price: $25

Limited Edition of 10 - Foiled Again - #2174

Eched (hand drawn design) on copper with black underglaze, golden clear unleaded vitreous enamel background with millefiori and recycled aluminum foil on top. Using Aluminum foil in enameling is rare. Dim: 1" Price: $30. Archived buttons in this limited edition.

Foiled Again #3


If you want one, email me and I'll make one up for you as this LE is still open.

Limited Edition of 3 - Knight - #2624

Basse Taille Enameled copper square with focal of Knight on a chess board, using unleaded vitreous enamels and black underglaze. Small. $20 Archived buttons in this LE

Chess Knight


If you want one, email me and I'll make one up for you as this LE is still open.

Limited Edition of 10 - Stallion Of The Sea - #2275

Etched (hand drawn design) on oval shaped copper with underwater scene, using unleaded vitreous enamel, black underglaze, small opaque lumps, a gold foil seahorse and fine silver balls on top. Dim: Medium.
Price: $40. Archived buttons in this LE

Stallion of the Sea #1



Basse Taille - limited edition of 10 - Wheel of Dharma - #2164

Religious Theme (Buddhism) - Uses vitreous unleaded enamel on a copper circle, etched with the Wheel of Dharma from Kadampa Buddhism, using black underglaze to highlight areas and golden clear enamel on top. Dim: 1" Price: $25. Archived buttons in this limited edition.

Wheel Of Dharma


If you want one, email me and I'll make one up for you as this LE is still open.

Limited Edition of 10 - Hearts and Flowers - #2166

Etched on copper with black underglaze as highlights, golden clear unleaded vitreous background and wet inlay of garnet leaded enamel hearts with flower wafers on top. Dim: 1" Price: $35. Archived buttons in this limited edition.



LImited Edition of 10 - Girl with The Zigzag Hair - #2407

Etched on copper design of a girl's face, using unleaded vitreous enamels, black underglaze, flower wafer in her hair and colorized with Sunshine enamel paints. Dim: 1". Limited Edition of 10. Archived buttons in this limited edition.

Girl's face


If you want one, email me and I'll make one up for you as this LE is still open.


LImited Edition of 10 - Duma - #2453

Basse Taille enameled etched copper cheetah in a sitting pose silouetted in the shape of the button. Duma is Swahili for Cheetah. Dim: 1.5" x 1 3/16". $60. This etching also comes in metal only. Archived buttons in this limited edition.



If you want one, email me and I'll make one up for you as this LE is still open.


Series of 10 -
Henna Butterfly #3387

Basse Taille Enameled Butterfly shaped copper with etched Henna design (each will be different) by Judith C. Lanza, using black underglaze and unleaded vitreous enamel and file silver twisted wire and a flower wafer on top. Large


Series of 10 -
Henna Cougar #2740

Basse Taille Enameled cougar shaped copper wth etched Henna design (each will be different) by Judith C. Lanza, using black underglaze and unleaded vitreous enamel. size: large. Price $45 Archived buttons in this Series.

Cougar button with Henna design


Cougar button with Henna design


Series of 10 - Henna Cat #2972

Basse Taille Enameled Cat shaped copper with etched Henna design (each will be different) by Judith C. Lanza, using black underglaze and unleaded and leaded vitreous enamel with leaded lumps and OME of fine silver wire and balls. Large. Price: $45 Archived buttons in this Series.

Cat button


If you want one, email me and I'll make one up for you as this LE is still open.

Series of 10 - Henna Raccoon #2973

Basse Taille Enameled Raccoon shaped copper with etched Henna design (each will be different) by Judith C. Lanza, using black underglaze and unleaded vitreous enamel and OME file silver ball for an eye. Large. Price: $45

Raccoon button basse taille enameled


Series of 10 - Henna Rat #2971

Basse Taille Enameled Rat shaped copper with etched Henna design (each will be different) by Judith C. Lanza, using black underglaze and unleaded vitreous enamel with a OME flower wafer. Large. Price: $45

rat button basse taille enameled


Series of 10 - Henna Sea Turtle #2970

Basse Taille Enameled Sea Turtle shaped copper with etched Henna design (each will be different) by Judith C. Lanza, using black underglaze and unleaded vitreous enamel with OME fine silver balls. Large. Price: $45

sea turtle button basse taille


If you want one, email me and I'll make one up for you as this LE is still open.

Eutectic Enameling

This is a new technique that was born from an error. It is fine silver fusing into the copper background and forming an irregular pattern that is very cool. The shape of the pattern is not totally controllable. But if it is done over a Basse Taille then it will follow the lines of the BT pattern. This form of enameling is rare and only started to be used today.


butterfly #2293

Combined with vitreous unleaded and leaded enamels with fine silver twisted wire and balls and a gold butterfly decal on top, on copper. Dim: 1".

This button was used to decorate a gourd, which has the same number of #2293. It is for sale on the gourd.


Reticulated Foils Enameling

This technique involves layering gold and silver foil and fused at a high heat for a long time (about 1450°F for 15 minutes) so that the foils fuse and ripple into each other (reticulate). Then colors are sifted on top.

Limited Edition of 15 - Froggie Jumping #2301

Reticulated Foils enameling on triangular copper using vitreous unleaded and leaded enamels with gold foil frog, fine silver twisted wires and balls and flower wafers on top. Dim: 1.5 x 1 5/16" Price: $50. Archived buttons in this limited edition.



If you want one, email me and I'll make one up for you as this LE is still open.


Ginbari Foil

This enameling technique has as a base an embossed thick fine silver foil that is fused to a layer of soft enamel so that the soft enamel raises up into the embossing to hold the pattern. It is usually done on copper and sometimes has a Cloisonne design over part of it.

Palm Trees

Ginbari Enameled on gear shaped copper with black low-fired decal of Palm Trees, using unleaded enamels. Dim: 1" Price: $55


Limited Edition of 10 -
Lovely Lizard #2332

Gin Bari foil (fine silver) enameled on lizard shaped copper, using unleaded and leaded enamels with glass ball eyes, gold luster and fine silver wire and balls on top. Dim: 2.25" x 1.25". Price: $65. Archived buttons in this limited edition.



Limited Edition of 10 -
Hip Hop Froggie #2333

Gin Bari foil (fine silver) enameled frog shaped copper using vitreous unleaded enamels and leaded lumps with glass ball eyes and fine silver balls on top. Dim: 1.25" x 1.25". Price: $60. Archived buttons in this limited edition.



If you want one, email me and I'll make one up for you as this LE is still open.

Limited Edition of 10 -
True Love #2334

Gin Bari foil (fine silver) enameled on heart shaped copper using vitreous unleaded and leaded enamels with flower wafers and fine silver twisted wire on top. Dim: 1.25" x 1.5". Price: $60

True Love Heart #2334


If you want one, email me and I'll make one up for you as this LE is still open.


A technique in which lines are drawn through a layer of unfired enamel, exposing the fused enamel (or bare metal) underneath.

Limited Edition of 10 - Ginkgo Sunny Day #2312

Enameled using vitreous unleaded enamles on ginkgo shaped copper and gold foil sun and fine silver balls on top. Dim: 1 3/8" x 1 1/4". Price: $30 Archived buttons in this LE.

Ginkgo #2312


If you want one, email me and I'll make one up for you as this LE is still open.

Limited Edition of 10 -
Cross With Ferns #2739

Enameled cross shaped copper using a dry brush sgraffito technique, using unleaded vitreous enamels. Dim:large. Price: $30 Archived buttons in this LE.

Cross button


If you want one, email me and I'll make one up for you as this LE is still open.



In the Blue Book, decals are considered Transfers. So any of these buttons fall into this technique.


Isosceles triangular copper enameled with unleaded pink enamel with a black and gold decal of a Hoopoe bird and with Drico Slide Frit multi-colored decals. Note: the gold and multi-colored decals are hard to see in the photo. Large $30

Enameled rounded rectangular copper with focal of multi-colored orchid decal. Large $25

bird button

Enameled rounded corner copper rectangle with focal soaring bird (black decal/transfer), using vitreous unleaded enamels with the Separation Enamel technique, with fine silver twisted wire and balls and flower wafer OMEs. Large $35

Celtic Design button

Enameled copper circle using unleaded vitreous enamel with a Celtic design decal. Large. $25

fairy button

Enameled with high fire technique with focal blank fairy decal (transfer) using unleaded and leaded enamels and fine silver balls on top. Medium $40

Ace of Spades

Enameled Ace of Spades shaped copper using unleaded vitreous enamels and gold decal/transfer. Dim: 15/16" x 1 1/16" Price: $20

Hamsa button

Enameled copper oval with a high fire pull-through technique and focal of a black decal (transfer) of a Hamsa, which is also called The Hand of God, using leaded and unleaded enamels with fine silver balls OME. Large $45


Celtic Heart

Enameled square shaped copper with focal Celtic Heart (decal/transfer) using unleaded vitreous enamels and fine silver ball. Dim: 7/8" square. Price: $20

Enameled odd shaped copper 3-hole sew-through using opalescent blue unleaded enamel over firesale and a gold firing decal. $25

Stegasourus button

Enameled copper hexagon with focal black Stegosaurus decal (transfer) using vitreous unleaded enamels with the Separation Enamel technique and enamel lumps. Medium $25



Vitreous Enameled domed copper oval, using unleaded enamels, self-made decal, enamel paint and green luster; 3-holed sew-through. Dim: 1" x 1 5/8". Price: $35

SeaGull button

Enameled copper seagull with a colored decals. Large $20


Limited Edition of 5 - Mermaid In The Deep #3393

Spindle shapped copper enameled with unleaded enamels, with focal of black Mermaid decal using hard glass lumps, fine silver ball and twisted wires. Large $40



Limited Edition of 10 - Golden Eiffel Tower #3367

Enameled copper on burnt white enamel (the turquoise color) with gold decal of the Eiffel Tower and Dichroic Slide Frit decals. Large $35





Limited Edition of 3 - Mermaid Glitter #3292

Enameled rounded corner rectangular copper with focal black decal of a mermaid, using unleaded enamel, glass chips, crushed goldstone glass (glitter) and fine silver balls and twisted wire. Large $40


Open Series - Punch It #3276

All these buttons are thin copper 1.25" circles, shaped with a dapping block and punch tool. They all have unleaded enamel, without counter enamel, in multi-color with a gold decal on top as a 5-hole sew through. medium $20


Limited Edition of 8 - Cherub In The Clouds #3308

Enameled 2" copper circle using crushed goldstone glass mixed into unleaded enamel with cherub decal in center.


Limited Edition of 12 -
Bird House #3211

Enameled copper rectangle with focal of a bird house and flower spray with a metal bird bead stitched on. Large $45 Archived buttons in this limited edition

Bird House button


Limied Edition of 5 -
Not Just A Black Cat #3229

Enameled copper oval with focal of a black and gold cat decal (transfer) with a gold decal fish bone, using unleaded and leaded enamels, Paillons, and Pierreries. Large $45 Archived buttons in this limited edition

note: the gold in the cat decal is hard to photograph so it looks silvery below

cat button


the gold in the cat is hard to see
in the photo

Limited edition of 5 -
Medusa #3252

Enameled copper with focal of Medusa black decal, using unleaded enamels, white background is overfired to turn greenish. Large $25

Medusa button


Limited Edition of 4 - Plays Well With Others Saxophone #3123

Enameled rounded corner copper rectangle, using vitreous unleaded enamels with focal Plays Well With Others saxophone black decal (transfer) and Paillons gold foil designs. Large $30 Archived buttons in this limited edition

Limited Edition of 10 - Panda Eating Bamboo #3116

Enameled 2" circular copper with panda decal (transfer) in a bamboo forest, using unleaded enamels. Large $25 Archived buttons in this limited edition

Limited Edition of 15 -
Bearly Fishing #3209

Enameled 2" circular copper with decal of a bear at a stream (transfer), using unleaded enamels. Large $25 Archived buttons in this limited edition

Saxophone verbal button


If you want one, email me and I'll make one up for you as this LE is still open.

panda button


Bear button


Limited Edition of 5 each:
Kenya Wild Lions #3200
Leopard Mom #3201
Tiger Tiger #3203
Lioness #3205

These 4 buttons are a set, buy individually for $25 each or buy all 4 for $90 (10% off)

All enameled copper 2" circle with ceramic decal; 3 hole sew-through Large



Last Full Set In the LE |


Kenya Wild Lions #3200

Lions button


Last in the LE

Leopard Mom #3201
Achived buttons in this LE

Leopard button


Last in the LE











Tiger Tiger #3203
Archived buttons in this LE

Tiger button


Last in the LE

Lioness #3205
Archived buttons in this LE

Lioness and cub button


Limited Edition of 8 - Shrooms #3029

High Fire technique enameled rounded corner copper with focal of mushroom decal (transfer) using leaded and unleaded enamels. Large $40 Archived buttons in this limited edition.

mushroon button enameled


Limited Edition of 15 - Cherub Contemplation #3033

Enameled isosceles triangular shaped copper with focal of a colored cherub decal (transfer) using unleaded enamels with fine silver twisted wire and balls as OME. Large $35 Archived buttons in this limited edition.

Cherub button enameled


Limited Edition of 15 - American Teddy #3032

Enameled circular copper disc with focal Teddy bear in flag decal (transfer), with the words ÒIÕm proud to be American!Ó, using unleaded enamel, 3-hole sew through. Large. $30 Archived buttons in this limited edition.

Flag and Teddy button


Series of 4 within a Limited Edition of 6 - Fruit Bowl #3030

Enameled copper square with an off white background and focal of a bowl of fruit decal (transfer) using unleaded enamels. This button is a series of 4 designs (a, b, c, and d) in a limited edition of 6. Large. $25 each; a set of all 4 designs is $90 (10%off) Archived buttons in this limited edition.


Note: If one is sold and you want it, email me and I'll make one up for you as this LE is still open. Let me know if you want a set of 4 or only one particular design






If you want one, email me and I'll make one up for you as this LE is still open.




Fruit bowl button


Fruit bowl button


Fruit bowl button


Fruit bowl button


Series of 4 with a Limited Edition of 12 - Fruit Basket #3256

Enameled domed copper with focal of a basket of fruit decal (transfer) using unleaded enamels. $25 each or a set of 4 for $90 (10% off). Archived buttons in this limited edition.

Note: If one is sold and you want it, email me and I'll make one up for you as this LE is still open. Let me know if you want a set of 4 or only one particular design










Strawberry fruit basket button


Basket of raspberries button


plum basket of fruit button


basket of kumquats buttons


If you want one, email me and I'll make one up for you as this LE is still open.

Limited Edition of 6 -
Gold and Black Dragonfly #2641

Enameled copper square with focal gold and black dragonfly decal (transfer) using vitreous unleaded enamels, leaded lumps, flower wafers and fine silver twisted wire and balls. Dim: 1.5" Price: $35 Archived buttons in this limited edition.

Note: this transfer does not photograph well, but is mostly gold with black



This decal doesn't photo well

Limited Edition of 10 - Birds On A Wire #2976

Enameled oval copper using vitreuous unleaded enamels with the Separation Enamel technique and a black decal (transfer) of birds on a wire. Large $30 Archived buttons in this limited edition.

Birds On a Wire button




Limited Edition of 10 -
Baying Wolf #2643

Enameled tear-drop shaped copper with focal black wolf with tree and mountain decal (transfer), using unleaded vitreous enamels over fine silver foil base. Dim: .75" x 1"

Wolf Baying




Limited Edition of 10 -
Silver Flowers #2655

Enameled copper spindel shape with focal fine silver flowers, using unleaded vitreous enamels, Dichro Frit (transfers), gold foil and flower wafers. Price: $45 Archived buttons in this limited edition.

Limited Eidtion of 15 -
Peacock And Flowers

Enameled copper rectangle with focal peacock and flowers decal using vitreous unleaded enamel, Sunshine Painting enamels and luster on top in a three hole sew-through button design. Dim: 2" x 1.5". Price: $50 Archived buttons in this limited edition.

Limited Edition of 12 -
Budding Ballerian #3210

Enameled copper 2" circle with ceramic decal of a little girl ballerina; 3 hole sew-through Large $25 Archived buttons in this limited edition.





ballerina button


Limited Edition of 10 - Star of David #2307

Enameled Star of David copper shape, using break-through technique with vitreous unleaded enamels, with gold decal/transfer on top. Dim: 1" x 1". Price: $25 Archived button in this limited edition.

Star of David Jewish Star 6 Pointed Star


Limited Edition of 15 -
Batty #2291

Enameled bat shaped copper, using crackle enamel (black on white) with gold decal on top. Dim: .75" x .75. Price: $30 Archived button in this limited edition.





Limited Edition of 10 -
Unicorn Under The Sea

Enameled spindle shaped copper with focal Unicorn Seahorse (black decal/transfer), using unleaded vitreous enamel, leaded enamel lumps, fine silver twisted wire and balls. Dim: 9/16" x 1 3/4". Price: $30 Archived buttons in this limited edition.

Unicorn Seahorse button


If you want one, email me and I'll make one up for you as this LE is still open.

Limited Edition of 10
Mermaid At The Lighthouse

Enameled octagon shapped copper with black decal (transfer) of a lighthouse sceen and mermaid's tail, using unleaded vitreous enamels. Dim: 1 1/8" x 3/4". Price: $25 Archived buttons in this limited edition.

Mermaid At The Lighthouse


Limited Edition of 10
Mermaid's Star

Enameled quatrefoil shapped copper with black decal (transfer) of a mermaid holding a star, using unleaded vitreous enamels and enameled lumps. Dim: 1" x 1". Price: $25 Archived button in this limited edition.

Mermaid and Star


Limited Edition of 15 -
Peacock In Flight #2581

Enameled copper circle with focal flying peacock with flowers (black decal/transfer), using unleaded vitreous enamels, painted with sunshine enamel paints (Limoges), 3-hole sew-through button. Dim: 2". Price: $45



Limited Edition of 10 - 3 Flying Cranes #2406

Enameled with 3 flying cranes decal using unleaded vitreous enamel, colorized with Sunshine enamel paints and with a flower wafer on top, on copper. This is a 3-holed sew-through button. Dim: 2" Price: $40. Archived buttons in this limited edition.

3 flying cranes button


If you want one, email me and I'll make one up for you as this LE is still open.

Limited Edition of 15 -
Dragonfly Shimmer #2475

Enameled copper circle with focal Dragonfly (artist made decal) with unleaded and leaded vitreous enamel, fine silver foil wings, sgrafittoed background, and flower wafers, and Gran-Nu gold dots or fine silver balls on top. This is a 3-hole sew-thru button. Dim: 2" Price: $75 Archived buttons in this LE.



If you want one, email me and I'll make one up for you as this LE is still open.

Limited Edition of 15 -
Gibson Girl

Vitreous enamel on triangular copper with focal lady decal using twisted fine silver wire and flower wafers; three-holed sew-through button. Dim: 1.5" x 1 3/8". Price: $40

Victorian Lady


Limited Edition of 4:
Plays Well With Others Drums #2934

Enameled rounded corner copper rectangle, using vitreous unleaded enamels using the Separation Enamel technique with focal Plays Well With Others drum set black decal (transfer). Large $30

drums button


If you want one, email me and I'll make one up for you as this LE is still open.

Limited Edition of 15:
Get Up And Dance #2933

Enameled rounded corner copper rectangle with focal Get Up and Dance modern dancer decal (transfer) using vitreous unleaded enamels and a border created with MUD (material developed for fused glass). Large $30 Archived buttons in this limited edition.

Dancer button


If you want one, email me and I'll make one up for you as this LE is still open.

Limited Edition of 10:
Zebra Twice Over #3102

Enameled copper square with two zebra heads gold and black decal (transfer) using unleaded enamel. Large $25 Archived buttons in this limited edition.

Zebras button


Open Series - Nautical Visions #3099

Enameled 1" copper circle with nautical decal (transfer) using unleaded enamels. Medium $25 Archived buttons in this series.

Nautical button





Limited Edition of 10 -
Peacock Moon

Vitreous Enameled on domed copper disk using unleaded enamels, a self-made decal and colorized with Sunshine enamel paints and lusters on top; a 3-hole sew-through button. Dim: 2". Price: $50. Archived buttons in this limited edition.

Limited Edition of 15 -
Goddess Horse #2474

Enameled copper circle with focal Dragonfly (artist made decal/tansfer), using vitreous unleaded enamels and Sunshine enamel paints. This is a 3-hole sew-thru button. Dim: 2". Price: $45. Archived buttons in this limited edition.

Peacock around Moon






Misc. Enameled Techniques

Enameled domed copper heart using the Pull-through technique using unleaded enamels, flower wafers and fine silver twisted wires and balls. Large $35



Focal astral themed with embossed silver foil and gold paillon stars, in a sterling setting, large, $95

paisley button

Enameled paisley shaped copper, formed on a hydrolic press and hand cut, using unleaded enamels, glass flower wafers, gold Paillons and fine sivler twisted wire and balls on top. large $65

Limited Edition of 3 -
Opal Reflections #3261

Enameled rectagular copper with a Turn-Again design in fine silver twisted wire and balls with an enameled "opal" center (enamel and foil and wire made to look like an opal) and a matte black ground. Large (1.25" tall). $50


Limited Edition of 5 -
Spikey #3297

Enameled copper shaped seahorse using unleaded opalescent and leaded enamels with bronze luster. Large $40


If you want one, email me and I'll make one up for you as this LE is still open.


Limited Edition of 15 -
Maharaja's Pet #3313

Enameled realistic elephant shaped copper using unleaded enamel, pulverized goldstone, fine silver twisted wires and balls and a flower wafer. Large $50



Limited Edition of 10 - Flying Pig - #2833

Enameled copper pig using vitreous unleaded enamels with fine silver Basse Taille wing using vitreous unleaded enamels, with fine silver ball eye. Large Price: $40 Archived buttons in this limited edition.

Flying Pig button


If you want one, email me and I'll make one up for you as this LE is still open.

Limited Edition of 10 -
Sea Turtle #2454

Enameled Sea Turtle shapped copper using the pull through technique of leaded under unleaded enamel with fine silver ball eyes. Dim: 1 1/4" x 1 7/8" Price: $30 Archived buttons in this limited edition.

Sea Turtle



Limited Edition of 10 -
Oink Oink - #2476

Enameled copper in Pig Shape using crackel enamels and fire scale, with a fine silver ball for an eye. Dim: Large .Archived buttons in this LE. Price: $20

pig button


If you want one, email me and I'll make one up for you as this LE is still open.

Limited edition of 15 - Artist's Palette Petite #3121

Enameled copper shaped as a small artist's palette, using vitreous unleaded enamels, lumps (including a varigated lump) and threads. Medium $25 Archived buttons in this limited edition.

Limited Edition of 15 -
Geared Up #2321

Enameled copper gear with millefiori in center, using unleaded vitreous enamel. Dim: 1". Price: $20 Archived buttons in this limited edition.

Limited Edition of 10 -
Moose Sighting

Enameled Moose shapped copper using the pull through technique of leaded under unleaded enamel with fine silver wire and glass ball on top. Large Price: $30 Archived buttons in this limited edition.

artist's palette button



GearedUp #2321




If you want one, email me and I'll make one up for you as this LE is still open.

Limited Edition of 15 -

Enameled moon shaped copper using both vitreous leaded and unleaded enamels to get a breakthrough effect, with 3 silver foil stars. Dim: 1" x 1.5".
Price: $25. Archived buttons in this limited edition.



#10 new

Limited Edition of 15 -
Moon and Sun

Enameled crescent moon shapped copper with fine gold foil sun, using unleaded vitreous transparent enamel, Dim: 1" x 1.5". Price: $25 Archived buttons in this limited edition.


Moon and Sun


Limited Edition of 10 - Hand of God #2290

Enameled Hand of God shaped copper using vitreous unleaded enamels with the "break through" technique with white opaque base and transparent color over, using a millefiori and fine silver twisted wires and balls with luster and gold on top. Dim: 1" x 1 3/8". Price: $40. Archived buttons in this limited edition.

Hand of God



Émaux Peints

These buttons are designed by "painting with enamels". I frequently use "Sunshine Enamel Paints" but sometimes use other types of painting enamels.

Note: many of my Limoges pieces are also done with decals (transfers) and thus if you are looking for a Limoges button, check out decals, too.

Émaux Peints enameled 1.5" copper square with overfired white edges (present as turquoise) and focal of odd shaped vase, using unleaded and painting enamels, with fine gold and fine silver foils and flower wafers with a sugar topcoat. large $45

Limited Edition of 15 - Squirrelly #2877

Enameled hand cut squirrel shaped copper uisng unleaded enamels and painting enamels. Large $70 See others in this LE.

Squirrel button


Limited Edition of 10 -
Flying Goose #3015

Enameled copper shaped flying goose in the Emaux Peints technique using unleaded enamels, Underglaze Decorating Pencils and ceramic pigments, 3 hole sew through. Large. $45 See others in this LE.

Flying Goose button realistic


Limited Edition of 10 -
Ginkgo Fruit #3300

Émaux Peints enameled 2" domed copper disk with focal of Ginkgo leaves and fruit, using unleaded enamel and China Paints with a sugar topcoat. Large $125 See others in this LE.


If you want one, email me and I'll make one up for you as this LE is still open.

Limited Edition of 10 -
Flowery #3296

Émaux Peints enameled copper square of a flower using unleaded enamel, China Paints and gold Paillons with a sugar topcoat. $55 large See others in this LE.


If you want one, email me and I'll make one up for you as this LE is still open.

Limited Edition of 10 -
Humme8 #3296

aux Peints enameled on 2" copper circle with focal of a hummingbird and Coral Honeysuckle vine, using unleaded eanmels and Painting Enamels with a sugar topcoat. $150 large


If you want one, email me and I'll make one up for you as this LE is still open.

Limited Edition of 5 -
Delicious! #3295

Émaux Peints enameled realistic Delicious apple copper cutout using unleaded enamel and painting enamels with a sugar topcoat. Medium $45


If you want one, email me and I'll make one up for you as this LE is still open.

Limited Edition of 15 - Flying Jewel #2412

Enameled Hummingbird shaped copper using vitreous unleaded enamels and Sunshine painting enamels. Dim: Large. Price: $30 See others in this LE.

Humming Bird


Humming Bird



Upcoming Set:

Besides enameling and beading, I also work in a few other artist sytels. One is Chinese Brush Painting. When learning this, there are 4 brush strokes that one learns before going off to do compositions. These are called the Four Gentleman. I have created two buttons so far of hte 4 as seen in #3241 and #3263. When I have all 4 done, I will sell sets of one of each.

Limited Edition of 10 -
Cherry Tree in Bloom #3241

Enameled oval using the Emaux Peints technique of a Chinese Brush Painting of a cherry tree branch, using unleaded enamels and China paints, with 3 gold bird paillons and a sugar fired (under-fired) top coat that gives a hazy look (might be considered matte). $50 large See others in this LE.

cherry tree branch button


If you want one, email me and I'll make one up for you as this LE is still open.

Limited Edition of 10 -
Wild Orchid #3263

Enameled oval using the Emaux Peints technique of a Chinese Brush Painting of a wild orchid, using unleaded enamels and China paints, with gold foil sun and a sugar fired (under-fired) top coat that gives a hazy look. $50 large See others in this LE.

wild orchid button


If you want one, email me and I'll make one up for you as this LE is still open.

Graphite Pencil

These buttons are characterized by using a graphite pencils to draw part of the design. The pencil markings are fired onto the piece. An interesting fact is that this does not work on transparents, only on opaque enamels.

Paisley enameled button

Enameled round cornered rectangular copper wtih paisley design, using techniques of graphite pencil, cloisonne and emaux peints, with fine silver wires and balls, gold lust and 3 gold pierreries.
Large $65


Limited Edition of 15 - Zen Roadrunner Folly #2871

Enameled Roadrunner shapped copper, using techniques - Graphite Pencil and Emaux Peints, with vitreous unleaded enamel, Sunshine enamel paints and fine silver ball, as a 3-hole sew through. Large $30 See others in this LE.

Roadrunner button


Limited Edition of 10 - Zen Jumping Dolpins #2872

Enameled 2" square copper using techniques - Graphite Pencil and Emaux Peints, with vitreous enamel, Sunshine paints, and gold foil shaped as two jumping dolphins. Large $40 See others in this LE.

Double dolphin button


Limited Edition of 10 - Zen Spiral #2873

Enameled rounded corner rectangle using Techniques - Graphite Pencil and Emaux Peints, with vitreous enamel, Sunshine paints, gold foil and fine silver balls. Large $35

Spiral button


Limited Editio of 10 - Zen Flower Garden #2818

Enameled square copper using vitreous unleaded enamels with graphite pencil in a multi-pattern Flower Garden design with émaux peints coloring with Sunshine Enamel Paints. Large $30 Archived buttons in this limited edition.

Zentangle Enameled garden button


Limited Edition of 15 - Mother To Be #2742

Enameled rounded cornered rectangle with focal abstract pregnant woman in graphite pencil with fine silver balls and twisted wires and flower wafers. Large. Price: $40

Note: this button will get you a counter in an Award.

Pregnant Woman Button


Limited Editin of 10 -
Zen Toplyish #2837

Enameled copper rounded rectangle using vitreous unleaded enamel and Sunshine enamel paints with a graphite pencil design of a Toadstool with fine gold foil and flower wafers on top. Large. Price: $35 Archived buttons in this limited edition.

Zentangle Toadstool button


If you want one, email me and I'll make one up for you as this LE is still open.


Limited Edition of 15 -
Ouroboros #2929

Enameled 2" copper circle with focal Dragon Eating Its Tail, using unleaded vitreous enamel with the Graphite Pencil and Emaux Peints techniques, with dicro frit decals (transfers) as glitter and a fine silver ball for an eye, as a 5-hole sew through. This Ouroboros is the symbol for infinity. Large $45 Archived buttons in this limited edition.

dragon button with dragon eating its tail Ouroboros



Separation Enamel

This is a special enamel added to fused enamel that forms a chemical reaction that gets the enamel to separate and bring forth mulitple layers of color.



High Fire

This technique is based on a pull-through technique of a combination of leaded and unleaded enamels, at least 3 layers of enamels, and fired at around 1600°F to proudce the web-like pattern.

Enameled copper oval with a high fire pull-through technique and focal of a black decal (transfer) of a Hamsa, which is also called The Hand of God, using leaded and unleaded enamels with fine silver balls OME. Large $45

Hamsa button


Enameled with high fire technique with focal blank fairy decal (transfer) using unleaded and leaded enamels and fine silver balls on top. Medium $40

fairy button



Crescent shaped copper moon with High Fire Webbing Design technique with black fairy decal and gold star Paillons. Large $45


Limited Edition of 10 -
Moose On High #3073

Enameled moose shaped copper using the high fire technique with a Titanium White base, using unleaded enamels with a sugar fire finish; 5-hole sew through. Large $40 See others in this LE.

Moose button


Limited Edition of 10 -
Golden Garden #3074

Enameled round copper domed disk, using the high fire technique with Titanium White base, using unleaded vitreous enamel, flower wafers, fine silver balls and 6 gold paillons as OMEs; 3-hole sew-through. Large $50

enameled button with paillons


If you want one, email me and I'll make one up for you as this LE is still open.

Limited Edition of 15 -
Cat On High #3388

Copper shaped cat using unleaded and leaded enamels in the High Fire Webbing Design technique with a Sugar Fire topcoat. Large $40



Limited Edition of 10 -
Butterfly On High #3018

Enameled copper shaped buterfly with the high fire technique using leaded and unleaded enamels and mica lusters and fine silver balls on top. Large $45 Archived buttons in this limited edition.

butterfly button


butterfly button


Limited Edition of 10 -
Crocker #3010

Enameled frog shaped copper using a high fire technique using leaded and unleaded enamels, with fine silver ball eyes and luster on top. Large $40

enameled frog button


Limited Edition of 15 -
Quail On High #3408

Enameled quail shapped copper using the high fire webbing technique and Émaux Peints. Large $75



Paillons and Perrieries

These buttons all contain paillons - precisely cut embossed gold foil. Some are just scross, but some are specific shapes likes birds or stars. Paillons that have a mound of enamel in them are called pierreries. Note that although paillons were used quite a bit in olden times, they are no longer manufactured and are hard, if not impossible to find. I'm so lucky to have a found a stash of them and thus to be able to be used in my artwork.

enameled button with pierreries

Basse Tailled enameled copper with one central pierreries and scroll type paillons around it. Small $45


Limited Edition of 10 -
Moon Glow #3011

Enameled crescent moon shaped copper , with gold star paillons on top. Large $50

Crescent Moon button with paillons


Note: Paillons are hard to see because they are so tiny, but this button includes
many gold paillon stars

Limited Edition of 15 -
Victorian Heart #3012

Enameled heart shaped copper using leaded and unleaded enamels, with a central Pierreries and 2 other Paillons. Medium. $50

Heart button with Pierreries and paillons


Limited Edition of 5 -
Sword Lily #3017

Enameled spindel shaped copper with paillons (4 fleur-de-lis; Sword Lily is another name) and 2 Pierreries, using unleaded enamel. Large $50 Archived buttons in this limited edition.

Fleur-de-lie button paillons



Limited Edition of 6 -
Golden Birds #3019

Enameled Boutonniere shaped copper using unleaded enamel, bird shaped paillons, flower wafers and fine silver balls. Small $50

bird paillons button




Limited Edition of 5 - Heart Revealed - #3325

Enameled heart shaped copper using stenciling, with unleaded and leaded enamels and 24K gold foil with the embossing slightly revealed. Large $50




This is a special material that was developed for fused glass, but works well on enamels. These are unique in that as of 6/23/2016, no other enamels are made with this material.

basse taille button with MUD

Basse Taille enameled hydralic pressed rounded copper rectangle using vitreous unleaded transparent enamels and a material called MUD as a flower design. Large. $35


Limited Edition of 10 - Cameo Rose 1 - #2834

Enameled copper square using vitreous unleaded enamels and a product called MUD, painted as a rose with 2 leaves. Large. $30 Archived buttons in this limited edition.

This unusal material was developed for fused glass and this LE is likely the 1st ever to be done with it on enamels

MUD Flower button


Limited Edition of 10 - Cameo Flower 2 - #2835

Enameled copper circle using vitreous unleaded transparent enamel and a material called MUD as a flower design. Large. $30 Archived buttons in this limited edition.

MUD Flower on enamel button


If you want one, email me and I'll make one up for you as this LE is still open.

Limited Edition of 10 - Dove In Flight #2875

Enameled 1.5" copper circle using unleaded vitreous enamel, glass-fusing MUD material as a border, gold foil and fine silver balls OME. Large. $35

Dove button


Dove button


Torched Fired Enamel

This technique is not listed in the Blue Book - the enamel is fired with an open torch, rather than putting in the kiln. If leaded enamels are used, it can be characterized by opalescent colors and a luster finish. All these buttons do not have counter enamel; the backs are what is called Hellfired Fire Scale - all black.

Special introduction price.

Torch fired enamel button

Has underfired finish
Dim: Medium Price: $10

If you want one, email me and I'll make one up for you as this LE is still open.




All these buttons are less than 3/8". See Silver based dimis.

Open edition -
Mini Fleur-de-lis #3271

Enameled copper with gold paillon Fleur-de-lie. Dimi $10 Archived buttons in this limited edition.


If you want one, email me and I'll make one up for you as this LE is still open.

Open edition -
Mini Spiral of Life #3272

Enameled copper with fine silver wire spiral. Dimi $10


If you want one, email me and I'll make one up for you as this LE is still open.

Open edition -
Mini Grape Vine #3273

Enameled copper with fine silver vine and gold paillon grapes. Dimi $15 Archived buttons in this limited edition.


If you want one, email me and I'll make one up for you as this LE is still open.

Open edition -
Mini Tri-Floral #3274

Enameled copper with 3 flower wafers. Dimi $10 Archived buttons in this limited edition.


If you want one, email me and I'll make one up for you as this LE is still open.

Open edition -
Mini Golden Flowers #3310

Enameled copper with 3 flower gold paillons and a fine silver ball. Dimi $15 Archived buttons in this limited edition.


If you want one, email me and I'll make one up for you as this LE is still open.

Open edition -
Mini Golden Star #3311

Enameled copper with 3 flower gold paillons and a fine silver ball. Dimi $10

This one is sold, but I can make you another in the LE - just email me

Artisan's Collection

These buttons are all ceramic custom transfers on enameled copper. The transfers (decals) are images of my other artwork that in general are wall art pieces. The originals use other techiques I work in such as pyrography on wood, Chinese Brush Painting, encaustic painting, Zhostovo Russian painting and colored pencil drawing.

Limited Edition of 10 -
Birds On Bamboo #3342

Transfer on enameled copper of 2 Birds on a bamboo limb. The original was a Chinese Brush Painting of the birds which I used under an encaustic painting (wax painting). Large $50


Limited Edition of 10 -
Blue Heron #3340

Transfer on enameled copper of a blue heron standing in water grasses. The original was a pyrography done on wood and then painted. Large $50 Archived buttons in this limited edition.


If you want one, email me and I'll make one up for you as this LE is still open

Limited Edition of 10 -
Cherry Branch and Bird #3337

Transfer on enameled copper of a cherry tree branch and a bird flying. The original was a Chinese Brush Painting. Large $50


Limited Edition of 10 -
Chippy #3338

Transfer on enameled copper of a chimpmunk eacting an acorn. The original was pyrography on wood and then painted. Large $50 Archived buttons in this limited edition.


If you want one, email me and I'll make one up for you as this LE is still open

Limited Edition of 10 -
Zhostovo Floral #3339

Transfer on enameled copper of a floral with a butterfly. The original was a Zhostovo painting which is a Russian decorative art form. Large $50

#1 new

Limited Edition of 10 -
Japanese Tree Peony #3333

Decal on enamel from a colored pencil drawing by the artist. This is a Japanese Tree Peony from her garden. Large $45



PHoto Collection

These buttons are all ceramic 4-color transfers on enameled copper.

Limited Edition of 10-
Fighting Young Bucks #3341

Transfer on enameled copper of 2 young bucks fighting in my garden. large $40.

#1 new


Custom Photos

This is a custom order item using a collector's supplied photo. Pricinig is $40 for the first button and $30 for any additional if ordered at the same time. These are for round or square buttons up to 2". I need to be supplied with either the photo itself or a high resolution image of it (600dpi). These are not rush jobs because for the price, it requires that I gang up decals on a large sheet to print all at one time. To ask about these, email me.

Here is a sample. You will notice that the decals is not as vivid as the original but that is the technology in making these transfers.

the button:
The original photo:





See enameled on Silver buttons

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