The Graphite Pencil project, by jbEbert, give an excellent overview of using graphite on enamel. It is especially good for illustrators as it goes over using various pencil numbers for shading. Of course, graphite can also be used as an outline for any type of image. This webpage provides other variations not listed in the book. To use graphite on enamel, one must roughen up the enamel surface first. The project uses etching cream to do this. Kay Yee feels it's better to use an alumdum stone, which she feels gives a rougher surface and she gets better results - the choice is up to you. Why not try both on the same piece and run a test?
Graphite Directly on CopperThe book project teaches drawing graphite on an opaque enamel. But Rebekah Laskin also knows how you can use it directly on copper. In either case, a "tooth" has to be put onto the surface. Thus, when drawing directly on copper, sand the copper first with 220-320 grit sandpaper. Then just draw! In general, graphite that is overfired will start to burn out so jbEbert fires at a low temperature. However, when drawing directly on copper, Rebekah sifts transparent enamel, using a 100 mesh sifter, over the graphite and fires normally for a first transparent coat on copper - that is, fires long enough to ensure the oxides in the copper are pulled into the solution of the enamel and the enamel color is cleared of any red or black firescale. After this firing, though, Rebeckah uses a sugar coat on each layer to keep her design crisp.