
This book was published in 2019 and is available at Amazon and other retailers. I now have a new book available for non-enamelists (it's not a how-to): Enamel Buttons, An Essencial Resourse for Collectors.

This page shows you the outline of the book and more... Information for enameling books is never really done; as Jean Vormelker says: the 3Ls - Life Long Learning. Thus, the TOC and projects listed below include links to new information or updates that were not able to make it into the book. In addition, I have listed any corrections to the book that have been reported. I look at myself at being the Archivist of Contempory Enameling in that I'm trying to document all new things I can find. To this end I am also listing links to enamel education - videos, on-line webinars and classes available.

I teach enameling at the John C. Campbell Folk School. If you are not already a member of The Enamelist Society or any other organizations, please consider joining. The Carpenter Art Enamel Foundation has transitioned.

Also, I'm heavily into beading, mainly Bead Embroidery. But I also work with other beading techniques. If you'd like to learn more about seed beads, see my Bead Knowledge Center.

Many comments are being made about all the new things described in the book. One person asked me how I found all these things. Read here about my philosophy in writing this edition.

Charles Lewton-Brain says... "What a superb book you have built. Crazy amount of work!  And as I posted [on Facebook], the most important book on enameling for at least 50 years. This is the Oppi Untracht of enameling books.  A beautiful, thorough, exquisite job of it. Thank you for all you have contributed to the culture by doing this."

Read other comments here.

Challenges: Looking for a reason to enamel - try these challenges

  • Create a piece using something you learned from the book and I'll post it on this site. Just email me with a photo and description, including what you learned in the book to create it, and permission to post it.
  • Ever hear of Artist Trading Cards (ATCs)? These are small pieces of artwork, in any media, which have to be 2.5" x 3.5" in size. I have been creating these for years with my bead embroidery, but now am creating with enamel, too. See my ATCs. The challenge is to create some ATCs and swap with others. I'd be interested in swapping with you - just send me photos of the ones you've created and check mine out for which you'd like to swap.

Video: Here is an interesting video about enameling.

For Beginners:

it's always challenging to start a new endeavor. This book has all the info you will need to be successful. However, there is so much information about enameling that you might find this daunting. The book is set up in order of what you need to know - that is, the chapters are: your studio (ie: tools and space), the materials needed (enamels, supplements and add-ons, and metal) and then how to apply, fire and finish an enamel. I suggest the following to get you started... 

Enamel on copper using opaque enamels at least as a base (transparents have special considerations on this metal). The most basic projects are the Traditional Sgraffito and Stenciling projects so try those out first. Once you are comfortable with the process, graduate to other projects such as Decals, Eutectic Effect and Separation Enamel. Then try others such as Graphite Pencil, Pitting Enamels and Basse Taille. The most difficult forms of enameling as Plique-à-jour and Vessel Forms.

Be sure to read the introduction to the projects to see what you can learn from each of them. Enjoy the process because even if the piece does not come out the way you expected, it could very well be an Oops Perfect!

Table of Contents

The TOC and Projects have many links with new information. If you are not sure where to find something, look in your book's index and see in which chapter that topic is described. Then, look for that chapter below and any link it has to new information. If you have something new you'd like to share, just contact me and we can discuss it. Enjoy the new info linked...


Testing Template

Corrections to the book

Enameling Education - videos and classes

General video on enameling from Paris


Photos from all the projects are shown below, but only those with updated information have links. More information for these might become available so please come back again. The book discusses what you learn in each project which many times is more than just the actual technique (like how to build up color) and tells some of the differences between projects that are similar.

Additional Instruction: Coral Shaffer, a retired enamelist, studied in Japan for 1.5 years. Her project in the book is a Japanese technique called Ginbari. Coral also studied various other Janpanes techniques and wrote the book: Shippo Yaki: Enameling in Japan. It is currently out of print and as she has retired she has graciously allowed me to post it here. This describes techniques such as Musen (wireless Cloisonne) and Shotai-jippo, a form of plique-à-jour. Check out her book for download or print if an overview of these techniques holds any interest for you.

Basse Taille

Basse Taille
by Ingrid Regula


by Katharine S. Wood


by Karen L. Cohen


by June E. Jasen

Eutectic Effect

Eutectic Effect
by Averill B. Shepps


by Charles Lewton-Brain


Ginbari Foil Embossing
by Coral Shaffer

Graphite Pencil

Graphite Pencil
by jbEbert

Impasto, Grisaille, Camaieu

Impasto, Grisaille and Camaïeu
by Marilyn Seitlin Tendrich

metal Clay silver

Metal Clay - Silver
by Pam East


Painting with Enamel – Traditonal Limoges
by Ora Kuller


Painting with Enamel – with an Emphasis on Drawing
by Mi-Sook Hur

Pitting Enamels

Pitting Enamels
by Jean Tudor


Diane Echnoz Almeyda

Separation Enamel

Separation Enamel
by Tom Ellis

Sgraffito - LIquid

Sgraffito – Liquid Enamel with Layered Wet-Floating
by Judy Stone

Sgraffito - Traditional

Sgraffito – Traditional
by Sally Wright


by Sally Wright

Stenciled Tile

Steel Base Enameling
by Kat Cole

Torch Fired

Torch Fired Enameling
by Steve Artz

Vessel Forms

Vessel Forms
by Sarah Perkins



List of: Learn The TEchniques

The book has a separate index for these to make them easier to find. They are abbreviated: LTT

  • Annealing Metal
  • Blackened Edges on Copper, Avoiding
  • Cake Water Color Enamel Ink
  • Cat Hair in Your Enamels
  • Champavé
  • Cloisonné with Sgraffito
  • Copper Cleaning via Heat
  • Copper Folding
  • Counter-Enamel, Repairing
  • Counter-Enamel and Fire Both Sides at Once
  • Crackle Enamel
  • Depletion Gilding Sterling Silver
  • Doming Round Pieces with a Bezel Cup
  • Dop Stick To Hold a Small Piece
  • Enamel Leaf, How to Make
  • Enamel Pastels, Making Your Own
  • Etching an Enamel Surface
  • Firing a Transparent Directly on Copper
  • Flashing Fine Silver
  • Foils, Reticulated
  • Foil Shapes to Fit a Cloisonné Cell, Cutting
  • Foil Shapes With The Sizzix Esclips2 Machine
  • Foil to use as a Mosaic Pattern, Cutting
  • Fuming Dry
  • Gauzy Effect
  • Glow Powder
  • Gold Leaf Sgraffito
  • Grade-Sifting, How to
  • Granular Spray (liquid enamel application)
  • Granulation and Metal Clay
  • Hand Polishing
  • High Fire Webbing Design
  • Leaf, Application of
  • Liquid Enamel Mixing and 3-Drip Test
  • Liquid Form Enamel on Thin Copper
  • Metal Balls, Making
  • Non-Enamel Elements Added to Your Enamel Pieces
  • Perforating Foil
  • Precision Repetitive Wires for Cloisonné
  • Pull-Through/Breakup
  • Raku Firing
  • Roll-Printing
  • Scrolling
  • Sifting a 3D Object
  • Sifting a Flat Object
  • Sift & Tap
  • Silkscreening Process
  • Smoking Oil-Based Enamels
  • Soldering and Fusing
  • Spray & Catch and/or Crusting
  • Spray & Sgraffito with Multiple Layers of Liquid Enamel
  • Sugar Fire Finishing
  • Washing Enamels (remove the fines)
  • Wet Oil-Based Overglaze Painting Enamels [for Bubble Effect]



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The Art of Fine Enameling has won a 2019 Silver Award from...
Foreword Reviews, a book review journal focusing on independently
published books.

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