
This project not only teaches you the technique of Impasto, but also Grisaille and Camaïeu. These three techniques all have the feature of building up white enamel to form highlights over a background. The background for each is different... in Impasto, the white is built on plain copper; in Grisaille, the white is built on black; in Camaïeu the white is built on a colored background. As all three have the feature of a white buildup then what makes them look different... the difference is in the shadows caused by the various backgrounds. In the project, Marilyn Seitlen Tendrich show how to create an Impasto image, but in the Variations section, she shows the same project image as Grisaille and Camaïeu, which really demonstrates the differences in the shadows and thus how the techniques differ.
Overfired Grisaille
One of the project variations is to overfire Grisaille, which blurs the image and turns the background transparent blue. Marilyn describes how to do this in the book and shows a mushroom image for an example. Here, though, is the Grisaille image, that was the final for the Grisaille information in the Variations section, and then what happened to it when she overfired it. This variation is not for the faint of heart!

Grisaille |

Purposely Overfired Grisaille |