In Mi-Sook Hur's project, she shows how to paint with certain supplements and then shows two major variations with other supplements and other uses of the same supplements. But a video would be useful, too - here is a video of Mi-Sook about her work. She is giving a class with Center for Enamel Art and at Pocosin Arts so check that out if you'd like to take a class.
Check out how Mi-Sook paints feathers.
Cheout out how Mi-Sooks paints a blue rose.
Class with Mi-Sook Hur
I recently took a zoom class with Mi-Sook from PocosinArts.org and
athought an in-person class is more detailed, this was very good. I had a friend who took it at the same time and that was her second zoom class with Mi-Sook and she said different things were gone over so it's worth taking more than one. We concentrated on painting a camilla flower and Mi-Sook's instruction was excellent. To the right is what I did after class (my 2nd try to be honest - 1s time I made the China paint too thin which made a big difference). It's not perfect (there should be more highlights), but I'm happy with it and I'm not a painter!
I have been having fun with what I learned and I think I might be getting better. The main concept, I think, is for the enamelist to SEE the object with all it's highlights and shadows. I'm not sure where to learn to see better, but I'm trying to focus on that.
Here are some places to buy China Paints, which Mi-Sook uses. Other types of Painting Enamels can also be used so check out the resources for the book.