
W. W. Carpenter Enamel Foundation Announces Transition on 12/30/2019
Bellevue, KY -- The W. W. Carpenter Enamel Foundation, also known as the Carpenter Art Enamel Foundation, has voted for a new board and a new effort to build on its previous success.
The new board will be led by the Mayor of Bellevue, Charles Cleves who has been newly elected as President and Chair of the foundation.
Thompson Enamel, the only manufacturer of lead free enamels in the Western Hemisphere, the Enamelist Society, and the Ohio Valley Enameling Guild are all joining forces to make sure the work of the W. W. Carpenter Enamel Foundation is continued and we will soon be announcing the resumption of our popular enameling workshops -- workshops attended by artists and hobbyists throughout North America.
As some may know, the Enamel Foundation has been facing some financial difficulties in recent months. But with the dedication of volunteers and donors, we know the mission of educating the public locally and throughout the world about the beauty of enamel art as well as the techniques to make such art will continue.
In addition to the workshops, the Foundation also houses a large collection of enamel art -- both historical and contemporary -- which is available for viewing by appointment.
Donations to the Carpenter Enamel Foundation would be greatly appreciated. They can be made by going to https://enamelfoundation.com/donations/ or checks may be mailed to 645 Colfax Avenue, Bellevue, KY 41073.
We want to thank Thompson Enamel, the Enamelist Society, the Ohio Valley Guild of Enamelers, and of course members of and donors to the W. W. Carpenter Enamel Foundation for their support as we continue the mission given to us by the founder of the Foundation, the late Woodrow Carpenter.
For further information, please contact Bentley Davis at bentleysdavis@gmail.com or 513-827-1832.
Charlie Cleves
Bentley Davis
Cullen Hackler
Joanna Maehren
Tom Ellis
Wren Hansen
Ex Officio
Kara Finney