Bead Journal Project - 2008
June 2009 - 10th in series
June colors are Crazy Colors (all colors) to reflect the crazy quilt pattern. I recently took a class in crazy quilting - what fun. I love the technique and it allows me to use all my types of emboridery - bead, ribbon, hand and machine.
New on this piece:
- I used multiple pieces of fabric to form a crazy quilt where each section is a different fabric. Most are black, but 3 I dyed using Shibori methods.
- In my short crazy quilt class, we learned one way to attach the fabric together, but I learned two more from a book I bought and these are used in my piece - the pleating and the gathered sections.
- I used the Yo-Yo element with lace around it as a flower. This Yo-Yo also uses a fabric I dyed using a Shibori method.
- I used an appliqued machine embrodiery as an element.
- The ribbon embroidery of the parrot was done with silk ribbon I dyed myself. I learned Silk dying at the summer camp where I teach enameling and beading. So, this summer I took the opportunity to dye my own ribbon. This allows me to create the colors I need for a piece without having to have them in inventory. And if I run out, I can make more as I need it.
- I used hand embroidery on the piece using both embroidery floss and Pearl Cotton. I really love Pearl Cotton. The rose towards the bottom right of the piece is made with bullion knots. What amazes me is that it is the exact rose I've done with bead embroidery, but with the knots instead of beads. Makes me think of others to substitute.
