Bead Journal Project
Round Peg In A Square Hole
2010 - May - Scrolling Technique
This is the fifth piece of this BJP. In addition to the enamel, I have used glass beads, metal bead frames, and holographic sequins.
The enamel is a technique called scrolling in which a background is first fused down and then lumps of enamel are placed on the piece. The piece is then heated up to a very high temperature (1600 deg rather than the normal 1500) to a very molten stage. Then I use a pick to pull the enamel lumps into each other while the piece is still in the kiln. The results are not totally predictable. The campers at the camp where I teach enameling (Camp Med-O-Lark) just love to do this.
The fringe this month is zig-zag fringe.
Roll your mouse over the image to see a close up of the enamel.
